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Fertigyn (Pregnyl) 5000 iu hætteglas


5000 iu hætteglas of HCG Sun Pharmaceuticals

Varenummer (SKU): 690 Varekategori: Tag: Product ID: 299


Chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) is a natural human hormone that contains the placenta of a woman during pregnancy. In order to produce this drug, the basis is taken by the urine of a woman in the period when Fertigyn (Pregnyl) she is carrying a child. Before the creation of HCG, the urine is purified in special laboratories. In fact, the gonadotropin of the human body is used, which is similar in effect to luteinizing hormone, which is the precursor of testosterone.

HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) Explained: By Dylan Gemelli

How Chorionic Gonadotropin is Used in Bodybuilding

Athletes who use testosterone for training should use human gonadotropin as a precautionary measure to prevent unwanted consequences, which may result in testicular atrophy. This is the main function of this substance.

Some inexperienced sportsmen engaged in bodybuilding use Chorionic Gonadotropin as a drug that stimulates the increase in muscle mass, combining it with other steroids. The reason for making such decisions is his ability to increase the production of testosterone. In addition, the use of this substance during the “drying” is practiced, in order to preserve the mass of muscles with a lack of calories in the diet.

In fact, the use of  in bodybuilding training for the purpose of anabolic effects, does not have any effect. On the contrary, the abuse of this drug may cause a deterioration in health. If we compare the extent of the effect of this substance on the production of testosterone in comparison with the synthetic forms of the hormone, then it is much lower. At the same time, side effects are much more pronounced.


After such information, the question naturally arises – why then use Horionic Gonadotropin?


Here you need to remember the main purpose of the drug during the application of anabolic steroids – prevention of testicular atrophy.

If gonadotropin is used for a prophylactic course that reduces the risk of reducing the size of the testicles, then dosage is needed significantly less than achieving the effect obtained from it, as from the anabolic. In this case, the risks associated with the deterioration of health, are minimal, and the benefit from using the substance is maximum.

In addition, this drug softens and eliminates some of the effects of using anabolic drugs. Gonadotropin can really keep a good mass of muscle during the “drying”. If steroid courses have a fairly long period, HCG is indispensable as a drug that prevents the loss of functional abilities of the axis, based on the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and testicles. As a post-course therapy, gonadotrophin is not among the recommended drugs.


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